Artists Helping Children

Wow here is a breath of fresh air! I just discovered a great website that seeks to help out children who may be sick or disadvantaged. They get our full support as the little ones of this world who can’t help themselves need as much help as we as artists can give them. To find out more and how you can help out to fill a child’s day with a little more joy, especially this Christmas pay a visit to their website.

The bible says it is “More blessed to give than receive”, so helping someone gives more joy to me personally than when anyone might pay for my artwork.

Every artist knows this, if they have ever had someone admire a work of art that no one has bought and just given it to them. I have done this myself a few times and it is a wonderful thing to see the joy this brings to someone without the money issue getting in the way. So go keep up the great work!

– seeks to enhance the quality of life for sick, abused, or neglected children by helping people with information and resources to help sick children with with art, gifts, and toys. Also provides a multitude of information on free coloring book pages, arts and crafts ideas, articles and more.

Press Releases

A press release will be available here
end of September 2008.

Press Release: 6 October 2008

Artist Set To Sell First.doc

Artist Set To Sell First.pdf

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